The Ring (2002)

Scare Maps
19 min readApr 2, 2021


Cold Open

Upper-Middle-Class home. Night. Raining. Two teenage girls watch TV. They talk about a haunted video tape that is rumored to kill anyone who watches it. You get a phone call when the tape ends, and the voice on the line says that you will die in seven days. One of the girls claims to have watched it a week ago tonight.

03:20 False Alarm (Choking)

She begins to gag and choke, but then stops and grins — a prank. The girls razz each other, the tension broken. But then…

03:53 Scare Priming (The Phone Rings)

She stops grinning, suddenly pale. Her friend asks a fearful question…

There really is a tape?

04:49 False Alarm (It’s Only Mom)

Upon answering the phone, the girl is relieved to find that it’s only her mother calling. But the seed has been planted, she really IS afraid…

05:27 Scare Priming (TV Static)

The friend heads to the bathroom while the girl finishes her call. When she hangs up, the TV in the adjacent room turns on by itself.

Creeped out, she turns off the TV — only for it to turn itself back on again.

Now SERIOUSLY freaked out, she yanks the TV plug out of the wall… and waits to see if it comes back on again.

06:31 Scare (Ghostly Reflection)

A distorted shape moves in the reflection of the TV behind her accompanied by an eerie rumbling.

06:46 Scare Priming (Fridge Door)

In the kitchen, the girl finds the fridge door creaking open on its own. She rushes over and closes it.

07:06 Audio Scare (Thump)

Something thumps in the direction of the front landing, up the stairs…

07:30 Scare Priming (Water Under the Door)

When she reaches the top of the stairs, she finds water seeping out from under her bedroom door, as well as the flicker of TV static…

07:59 Climax Scare (The Well)

She opens the door to find an image of a STONE WELL flickering on her bedroom TV. A high pitched ringing fills our ears as we rush-in on her face as she inhales to SCREAM…

A BLAST of frightening images wash over us and then becomes BLARING STATIC, which fills the frame.

Sequence A (08:02)

Rain falls. AIDAN KELLER sits alone with the teacher in the classroom — the last kid to go home for the day. His mom, RACHEL KELLER storms in, screaming into her phone.

The teacher pulls her aside for a special meeting. He’s made some drawings that have concerned her…

  • We learn that Aidan has recently lost a cousin, who apparently was his babysitter, which is why he’s the last kid in class.
  • He drew pictures of a dead girl, buried in the ground, a week before his cousin died.

11:34 Ill Omen (“We Don’t Have Enough Time”)

After Rachel tucks Aidan into bed, he tells her, “we don’t have enough time.” Rachel assumes he means that his mom doesn’t spend enough time with him.

But he clarifies, he means we don’t have enough time before we die.

She tries to reassure him, but he insists that Katie knew how much time she had left… She told him she was gonna die.

When he realizes that she’s not catching on, he rolls over to face away from her.

Goodnight rachel.

13:07 Funeral (Aidan’s Cousin)

Rachel and Aidan attend his cousin’s funeral. The guestbook photo confirms that Aidan’s cousin was the girl from the cold open.

14:16 Scare Priming (Closed Coffin)

A pair of funeral guests ponder Katie’s cause of death, and wonder — if it really was a stroke or a heart attack — is it a closed casket funeral?

Rachel speaks to Katie’s mom, who is at a total loss over what happened to her. She asks Rachel to investigate her daughter’s death; she saw Katie’s face and it was horrific. Something was Done to Her.

15:59 Jump Scare (Katie’s Dead Body)

Sudden cut to the discovery of Katie’s body, huddled hiding in a closet. Mouth frozen in a scream, face distorted. Skin blue and veiny, like the drowned.

16:59 The Harbinger (It’s About the Tape)

A teenage boy named KELLEN fills Rachel in on the rumored Death Tape.

Katie watched it with her secret boyfriend, Josh. Unfortunately, Josh is ALSO dead.

17:47 Scare Priming (Aidan in Katie’s Room)

Wandering the funeral unsupervised, Aidan heads up to Katie’s room. He finds WATER DAMAGE on the wood floor in the hall outside her door.

He enters…

18:45 Jump Scare (Reflection in TV)

Drawn toward Katie’s TV, Aidan gazes into it like a black mirror. Behind him, a DISTORTED FIGURE quickly crosses the frame.

Glancing around, he finds himself all alone in the room.

Moments later, Rachel finds him and asks what he’s doing in Katie’s room all alone. He replies,

it’s not her room anymore.

19:37 Ill Omen (Scratched Out Faces)

Rachel stays behind as Aidan departs. Flipping through a photo album, she discovers that Katie (or someone) has scratched out several of the faces inside.

19:50 Clues (Photo Stub)

Tucked between one of the pages, she finds a photo lab reminder stub with two little hearts doodled on it. Did Katie forget to pick up some film?

Sequence B (20:32)

Going through the developed photos that Katie left behind, Rachel discovers that a photo taken near the end of the reel is different from the rest — all of the faces (four, in total) are distorted and smeared into grotesque shapes.

20:48 Clues (Newspaper Obits)

Tracking down the other two kids from Katie’s photo, Rachel finds that they both died at 10pm on the same night Katie died.

21:51 Clues (Katie’s Time of Death)

At work the next day, Rachel learns from the coroner that Katie’s time of death was estimated to be 10pm as well.

The photo with the distorted faces appears to’ve been taken at a rental cabin place outside of town called Shelter Mountain Inn.

21:58 Searching for Answers (The Cabin)

Rachel drives out to the cabin to look for more clues.

She asks the innkeeper if he remembers her niece. He tells her they stayed in Cabin 12, but didn’t pay. Had a lot of complaints, mostly about the TV reception. That’s why they keep a collection of VHS tapes on hand.

Among the titles, Rachel spots an unlabeled, unjacketed tape.

24:56 Crossing the Line (Rachel Watches the Tape)

Rachel goes to the cabin where Katie and her friends watched the tape together, and plays it.

26:48 Jump Scare (Phone Ringing)

In the aftermath of watching the tape, Rachel sits alone in the silence. But when she pulls the tape out of the VCR, the cabin phone RINGS.

Seven days.

Sequence C (27:18)

Thursday. Day 1.

Aidan makes his own lunch and heads off for school. While leaving, he runs into a LONE MAN. They make eye contact and stop for a moment to regard one another. Then proceed.

Meanwhile, Rachel sits alone in her bedroom, freaking out over the tape.

The man, NOAH (he/him) comes up to Rachel’s apartment, apparently she called him there.

28:36 Ill Omen (Rachel’s Photo)

At Rachel’s request, Noah takes a picture of her. Her face is distorted just like the photos taken of Katie and her friends.

Noah is totally unfazed by the photo and insists on watching the tape, even as Rachel tells him she doesn’t think he should. Still, what else can she do?

29:41 Emotional Reset (TVs)

While Noah watches the tape, Rachel goes outside to her balcony.

In another building across the way, Rachel notices just how much peoples’ lives now revolve around TV, for better or worse.

Down below, on a similar balcony, a woman stands outside alone. Inside, her child watches cartoons, also alone. They make eye contact.

30:25 Jump Scare (Sliding Door)

Rachel is started by the sudden loud THUMP of the sliding door opening behind her.

He was not frightened at all by the film.

30:45 Ill Omen (The Phone Rings)

They’re interrupted by the ringing of the house phone. Rachel does not answer it.

Noah thinks she’s losing her grip due to stress and work.

32:18 Ill Omen (Voicemail)

After Noah leaves, Rachel sees that a voicemail has been left on her phone. She deletes it without listening.

32:53 Clues (Studying the Tape)

Rachel takes her copy of the tape to her office and attempts to study it using the research equipment they have there.

She notices that the timecode is all scrambled and doesn’t seem to make sense.

33:43 Ill Omen (The Fly)

With the tape paused, Rachel discovers that a fly in the footage seems to be MOVING ON ITS OWN, despite the rest of the image being completely frozen.

She makes a copy for Noah and brings it to him.

34:40 Clues (Noah Explains Timecode)

Noah tells Rachel that the timecode shouldn’t be messed up on the copy because the second VCR should have written a new timecode on its copy.

When his girlfriend shows up, Rachel takes the tape so the tape doesn’t spread. They argue about the unspoken subtext of their relationship.

Then she leaves.

38:11 Ill Omen (Becca’s Condition)

Becca, Katie’s friend, is now sequestered at a psychiatric hospital, suffering from PTSD and depression from finding Katie’s body the night she died.

Rachel visits her in the hospital to interview her about that night. However, Becca is pretty catatonic and doesn’t seem to want to interact.

39:43 Ill Omen (Four Days)

Becca can somehow see that Rachel has been marked by the tape, and tells her that she’ll learn everything she needs to know in four days.

Sequence D

41:01 Clues (The Lighthouse)

While at a video restoration facility, Rachel is able to stretch the tracking enough to reveal a hidden part of the image — a LIGHTHOUSE.

When she tries to print the screen, the system crashes.

41:36 Ill Omen (The Fly: Part II)

Rachel finds the fly again and gets a frame-perfect pause on it. The fly is DEFINITELY MOVING.

She touches the screen, and feels something under her fingers… SHE PEELS THE FLY FROM THE SCREEN and it flies away!

She doesn’t notice the trickle of blood running from her nose.

43:29 Clues (The Woman in the Mirror)

At the library, Rachel uncovers the identity of the woman in the mirror by searching for information about the lighthouse. Anna Morgan, a member of a historical society.

44:42 Clues (The Horses)

Rachel also discovers that Anna rode in horse shows, but lost several of them in a mysterious tragic event.

45:34 Clues (Anna’s Condition)

Soon after the problems with the horses, Anna began to suffer from hallucinations and paranoia, retreating from her daily life.

45:34 Ill Omen (Scribbled Out Face)

Rachel realizes that she’s been scratching out a printed photo of Anna’s face in the mirror — just like Katie had been doing in her yearbook.

46:11 Ill Omen (Noah’s Face)

While checking out at a bodega, Noah realizes that his face is distorted in the security camera feed up above the counter.

He’s a bit wigged.

46:35 Scare Setup (The Babysitter)

Rachel gets home from her long day to find her babysitter unconscious in front of a TV blaring static.

46:51 Jump Scare (False Alarm)

Fearfully, rachel reaches down to touch the babysitter’s shoulder, which startles her and causes her to scream. She was just dozing.

48:10 Scare Sequence Begins (Choking on Water)

While talking on the phone, Rachel pours and takes a drink from a glass of water, only to find herself suddenly choking and gagging.

48:25 Gross Scare (Hair in Throat)

Gagging on her hands and knees, Rachel draws a long, stringy rope of black hair out of her throat and stares at it in horror.

When she picks the phone up again, water bleeds from the earpiece.

49:17 Apparition (Samara in Aidan’s Room)

Looking for her son, Rachel finds Samara sitting in a chair surrounded by a pool of water, facing the bedroom window — away from the door.

49:26 Jump Scare (Arm Grab)

Rachel approaches Samara carefully, who reaches up and grabs Rachel’s arm with a curdling scream.

Rachel witnesses a series of images, seemingly from an experience in some kind of observation room, replete with cameras, electrodes, harsh neon lighting, and one-way mirrors.

49:36 Scare Sequence Ends (Just a Dream)

Rachel awakes in her bed, breathing hard but okay.

49:41 Reveal (Bruised Arm)

She may have been dreaming, but there’s still a bruise from where Samara grabbed her arm.

50:02 Scare Priming (Aidan Missing from Bed)

When rachel gets up to check on Aidan, she finds that he’s not in his room.

In the living room, she sees the telltale flicker of a TV screen glowing under her office door.

50:19 Reveal (Aidan & the Tape)

She throws the doors open to find that AIDAN HAS WATCHED THE TAPE.

50:45 Ill Omen (The Phone Rings for Aidan)

While hugging Aidan close and losing her grip on the world, the phone rings. But this time she answers it and screams at the voice on the other end.

However, she finds out that it’s Noah. He believes her.

She tells him that Aidan watched tape, and reveals that he’s Noah’s kid.

Sequence E (51:51)

At Katie’s house, Rachel discovers that Katie had been doodling the images from the tape.

She and Noah set out to find out what happened to Anna Morgan.

Rachel will take a ferry to the island where Anna Morgan lived, and Noah will go to the psychiatric hospital where she died.

55:06 Title Drop (The Ring)

While telling Noah that he needs to break into the hospital to find Anna Morgan’s records, she tells him,

I think the last thing you see before you die is the Ring.

55:37 Emotional Reset (Mom Drawing)

Just as Rachel is about to set off on the ferry to Anna’s island, Noah remembers that Aidan made a drawing for her, and he rushes out into the rain to make sure she gets it.

They share a moment of quiet understanding — this may be goodbye.

56:20 Clues (Anna’s Daughter)

While reviewing the newspaper clippings about Anna’s horse incidents, she discovers that Mrs. Morgan had a daughter.

56:53 Scare Priming (The Horse)

Rachel notices a horse in a carrier on the ferry. She Approaches it and attempts to connect with it. However, the horse is a little wary.

57:11 Scare Sequence Begins (The Horse is Spooked)

After it allows Rachel to pet it, the horse suddenly becomes overwhelmed with fear and begins tugging violently at its reins.

The horse breaks free and begins bucking at its enclosure, ultimately kicking the door down and BOLTING ACROSS THE FERRY.

Several people try to corral the frightened creature, but it’s no use. It’s simply too big, too strong, and too scared.

58:35 Animal Peril (Horse Overboard)

The horse runs for the edge of the ferry, nearly trampling Rachel who ducks down at the last second when she realizes that the horse isn’t going to stop charging, and leaps into the bay.

Its leg catches on the handrail and the beast snaps against the hull of the ferry before being dragged under its belly.

59:05 Animal Death (Blood in the Water)

The horrified onlookers rush to rear of the ferry to look for any signs of life, but are mortified to see the water churning red in its wake.

Sequence F (59:35)

Noah struggles to find any records of Anna’s time there that will explain the tape and the curse. He tricks a nurse into telling him where to find the records.

Meanwhile, Rachel catches a ride to the Morgan Horse Farm. Anna’s widower, Richard, is reluctant to give her any answers.

59:51 Jump Scare (False Alarm)

Hard cut to Noah breaking into the psychiatric hospital record room with a crowbar.

01:03:12 Clues (The Horses Killed Themselves)

Richard explains that the horses sensed something awful and broke free of their enclosure, fleeing into the sea.

01:03:50 Ill Omen (The Mirror)

While inside Richard’s house, Rachel glimpses the mirror from The Tape.

Richard becomes suspicious of her motives, and when Rachel reveals that she has one of Samara’s tapes, he throws her out of the house.

01:07:19 Clues (Anna’s Miscarriages)

Noah finds a record of several miscarriages, Anna desperately wished to have children but could not keep any of her pregnancies.

01:07:22 Ill Omen (Noah’s Bloody Nose)

Just like Rachel, Noah’s nose begins bleeding when he uncovers a major clue. A drop of blood drips onto the file in his hands.

01:07:37 Clues (Projected Thermography)

Noah discovers images created by Samara in a folder labeled, “Projected Thermography.” They look like x-rays, and they depict awful tableaus such as

  • horses drowning
  • a woman buried and impaled by needles and stakes
  • a naked tree with limbs like lightning
  • a TV antenna surrounded by knucklebones (jacks) which look like viruses, intermingled with dinosaur skeletons. (Perhaps a subtle clue to the viral nature of her transmissions and fears of extinction?)

01:08:15 Ill Omen (Aidan’s Drawings)

While at his aunt’s house, Aidan has made a stack of drawings all depicting the same image — dark concentric circles with ladder-like protrusions radiating from the center of a dark, black ring.

01:08:39 Clues (She Told Me To)

On the phone with Rachel, Aidan explains that the little girl from the tape shows him things, makes him draw pictures and record her dreams.

01:11:12 Clues (Samara’s Adoption)

While speaking to the only doctor on the island, Rachel learns that Anna and Richard tried for years to have children. Then one day they went away and came back with Samara — whose mother they claim died of ‘complications.’

Everything was good for a while.

And then Anna came to the doctor, complaining of disturbing visions and blaming Samara for them.

Eventually, the doctor referred the Morgans to the psychiatric hospital on the mainland, and hasn’t heard anything about the girl since.

01:13:59 Clues (Richard Took Samara’s Tape)

Posing as Richard Morgan, Noah asks an archivist to see Samara’s video records. However, they’ve been stolen — last watched by Richard Morgan.

Noah takes the Ferry to the island, having an urgent need to find her.

?? (01:14:16)

Night. Knowing that neither Anna or Samara ever returned from the hospital, Rachel returns to the Morgan house to press Richard for more information.

However, she finds his house dark and empty.

01:14:16 Scare Priming (Where’s Richard?)

She moves through the house, all the while calling out to Mr. Morgan, returning once again to the mirror.

On the floor, she finds a television and several tapes nearby, as well as a box of files on the floor beside.

In the box, she finds a nest of electrode wires, photographs, and Samara Morgan’s birth certificate.

01:15:59 Jump Scare (Centipede)

A centipede crawls out from one of the files, accompanied by a shriek from Rachel and a loud musical sting.

01:16:14 Clues (SM0015)

Rachel pushes presses play on a tape labeled SM0015. It reveals footage of a little girl with long black hair. The girl does not sleep through the night, she only waits.

The doctor asks about the pictures, how they came to be. She says she doesn’t make them, she sees them and they just appear.

The doctor accuses Samara of telling lies, and explains that she won’t be able to see her mommy again until she learns to tell the truth, and to stop hurting people.

Samara informs the doctor that she knows Richard wants to leave her there at the hospital. Daddy doesn’t want to help. Daddy loves the horses.

01:18:25 Jump Scare (Richard Waiting in the Shadows)

The camera cuts from the screen to over Rachel’s shoulder — she doesn’t notice Richard standing behind her in the doorway, watching.

01:18:42 Violence (Rachel Struck)

Richard hits Rachel over the head with some sort of horse tackle, then picks up the TV and carries it with him to the upstairs bathroom.

Rachel stumbles after him, discovering that he’s filled the bathtub with water and brought every major electronic appliance into the room and plugged it in from outlets and extension cables all over the upstairs of the house.

There’s no way a safety breaker can save him.

He steps into the tub, and Rachel begs for his help stopping Samara, but he refuses to help — and switches on the power strip around his neck.

01:20:06 Reverse Scare (Noah Arrives)

As Rachel screams in horror, watching Richard’s electrocution, Noah runs up behind her and grabs her — pulling her away from the scene.

01:20:51 Clues (She Doesn’t Like the Barn)

In the wake of Richard’s death, Rachel remembers something Aidan said earlier — Samara didn’t like sleeping in the barn…

01:21:28 Reveal (Samara’s Loft)

An impossibly tall ladder rises up to a loft high in the barn, where a small bedroom has been constructed.

Behind her wallpaper, they find a huge TREE burned into the wood of her wall. Rachel remembers the tree from Shelter Mountain. The cabin.

Sequence G (01:24:15)

Rachel and Noah return to Shelter Mountain, to cabin 12, the place where she watched the tape for the first time.

01:25:48 Grownup Temper Tantrum (Noah Loses It)

Realizing she has no idea what to do and that her time is up, she begs Noah to keep fighting to save Aidan from the curse.

Fearful of losing Rachel now that he realizes what a fool he’s been, he loses control of his emotions and begins tearing the cabin apart, desperate for any kind of answer or result…

01:26:15 Clues (Water Damage)

Thanks to Noah’s tantrum, a shattered vase full of marbles collect in a depression on the cabin floor, leading the pair to discover a wide circle of water damage on the wood underneath.

Noah grabs a fire axe and goes to work on the floor of the cabin as the sun sets lower…

01:26:52 Reveal (The Well)

Noah and Rachel descend into the crawlspace under the cabin where they find a large STONE WELL lies hidden.

They push off the cover slab and peer down into the endless darkness below.

01:27:37 Scare Priming (Staticky Blurts)

In the cabin up above, the TV crackles to life — something is waking up…

While Rachel and Noah look for something to drop in order to gauge how deep the well goes, a supernatural force is expelling the carpentry nails from the floorboards under the TV.

01:28:45 Scare (Swarm of Flies)

The priming pays off in an unexpected way as a swarm of flies erupts from the bottom of the well, engulfing Noah and Rachel in a thick cloud of pestilence.

As both of them struggle to keep the bugs out of their mouths and eyes, the floorboards above finally give way and send the TV careening down…

01:28:51 Scare (Knocked In)

to knock Rachel into the well! She plummets, bumping against the side of the well once and disappearing into darkness.

Noah is left alone up above, shouting down after her.

Rachel awakens at the bottom of the well, standing waist deep in the water. She calls up to Noah, she’s okay.

01:29:59 Scary Reveal (Scratch Marks on the Walls)

Sweeping her flashlight around, Rachel makes a terrifying discovery — Samara was alive when she splashed-down in the bottom of the well, and she tried to escape… leaving behind gruesome evidence buried in the scratches she left on the slimy stone walls.

01:30:17 Jump Scare (Gore, Lost Fingernail)

As Rachel pulls a fingernail from the wall, an image from the tape flashes through her mind, accompanied by a loud keening whine.

01:30:27 Scare Priming (The Well Closes)

Rachel is horrified to find that way up above her, the heavy stone lid of the well has begun to slide shut on its own, leaving her with only her flashlight and the echo of her own voice in the dark.

Outside, Noah has gone to fetch a firehose to help Rachel climb out.

01:30:45 Ill Omen (The Sun Sets)

Noah watches helplessly as Rachel’s time runs out.

01:31:00 Scare Priming (Black Hair)

Rachel discovers a tangle of black hair floating in the water beside her. She reaches down and examines it, in shock…

01:31:06 Jump Scare (Grabbed From Below)

A pale arm bursts from the water and grabs onto Rachel’s wrist, accompanied by an eerie scream.

A vision begins, detailing Samara’s last day above ground. We see her singing by the well, listening to her voice echo.

Horses play on the horizon. Anna comes up behind Samara…

01:31:58 Jump Scare (Samara Smothered)

…and pulls a black plastic bag down over Samara’s head, suffocating her. She struggles, but it’s no use, and soon she falls limp.

Anna pushes her body over the side of the well and slides the heavy stone lid over the top.

Samara wakes in the water just in time to see the lid close — creating a corona of light around its rim… THE RING.

01:32:45 Good Omen (The Burns Fade)

Rachel awakens from the trance and examines her arm, the burn marks fading away. Is the curse broken???

01:33:11 Dead Body (Samara Floats Up)

Samara’s body floats up into Rachel’s arms. Rachel cradles the girl to her as she withers to blackened bones.

01:35:04 Emotional Reset (It’s Over)

Rachel and Noah sit on a log together and process everything they’ve just been through.

She ponders the similarities between herself and Anna Morgan, recalling how distant and work-obsessed she’s been, and how she’s been avoiding connecting to Aidan.

Noah wonders how long someone could stay alive at the bottom of a well like that. Rachel knows.

Seven days.

On the ride home, Aidan sees Noah and Rachel holding hands.

Noah asks Rachel to call him tomorrow. And the day after that.

01:38:32 Denouement (The Next Morning)

Aidan wakes up next to Rachel and asks her if she was able to stop Samara. Rachel tells him that she helped her, set her free, helped lay her bones to rest.

Aidan is horrified and knows that now Samara can never be stopped.

Rachel tries to comfort him, then notices that there are BURNS ON HIS ARM.


01:39:50 Scare Sequence Begins (Noah’s Time is Up)

Noah works alone in his studio, reviewing photographs. In the background, his TV turns on…

Blaring static. Spooked, he gets up and turns it off.

However, it turns itself back on. This time, it’s a fuzzy image of A WELL.

His phone rings — Rachel is calling, praying that he answers.

However, Noah is too drawn-in by his disbelief and curiosity to turn away from the TV.

Rachel races across town to save him, but it’s too late… Samara emerges from the TV and pursues him across his apartment.

By the time Rachel arrives, the macabre scenario is ended.

She follows the trail of bloody handprints to the chair where Noah sits, faced away from her.

01:43:48 Jump Scare (Noah’s Corpse)

Rachel spins the chair around and screams in horror at what remains of Aidan’s father.

Just as Rachel is leaving the apartment, she sees Noah’s intern riding the elevator up behind her. She doesn’t say anything… what can she say?

01:44:34 Grownup Temper Tantrum (Rachel’s Final Freakout)

When rachel gets home, she bellows for Aidan to go to his room and then has a complete meltdown in her office.

She burns her copy of the Samara tape in the fireplace and then remembers the COPY lying under the sofa…

01:46:22 Clues (What Did I Do That You Didn’t?)

Rachel realizes that the thing that spared her was making sure that someone else saw Samara’s message. She made a copy.

Guiding Aidan’s hands, Rachel helps him make a copy of Samara’s tape to pass on to someone else.

Aidan ponders the moral implications of this act, but does not argue. As long as everyone keeps passing it on, it everything should be okay.

What about the person we show it to? What happens to them?




Scare Maps
Scare Maps

Written by Scare Maps

A list of movies with timestamps for each scare. ⚠️ SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️

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